Outlander Obsession

When the series, Outlander, which aired on Showcase earlier this fall, ended for the “mid-season” a couple of weeks ago, I was sad.  Each week, I would escape through my own “Craigh Na Dun” (the stairway down to my television) into 1743 and became a part of the world Diana Gabaldon created for Clair.  I felt such a connection to the story.  As an avid genealogical enthusiast who just uncovered a significant Scottish branch on my family tree, I became instantly involved in the story.  I chuckled to myself when Clair revealed Frank’s interest in his own family history for I could completely relate.  Clair, Frank, Dougal and (of course) Jamie, became a part of my life for an hour and a half each week.  As their adventure unfolded, I was with them, questioning, exploring, experiencing and trying to make sense of it all.  It was a grand escape to the Highlands; one that I soon came to anticipate with great longing each week until … IT ENDED!  Placed on hiatus for 6 MONTHS!

Outl Outlander

What was I going to do?  I couldn’t leave the thought of Clair’s demise alone.  Panic set in.  Separation anxiety.  And then it came to me, so clear.  A sign.  In bold red letters in the bookstore I was browsing through.  “Any two books from the Outlander Series – Limited Time – $15”.  Of course – that was the answer.  Read the books.  I wouldn’t have to wait.  In fact, I could become completely immersed in detail that I wouldn’t have seen on the small screen.  I could read as much as I wanted, when I wanted for as long as I wanted.   It was the perfect solution.  I purchased the first 2 books, went to Starbucks for my favourite bistro box, grande blonde roast coffee and put the first crease in my very own Outlander.  It felt so good to go back.



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